
Try-Hards, do-gooders, bleeding hearts, or being up yourself.


Hard Tries (HT)

Good Doers (GT)

Yourself Being Up (YBU)

Heart Bleeding (HB)


HT –       I just want it so badly. I spend myself in efforts cos I’m so passionate. I really believe in this. And you twist my words round your bitterness, your “she-doesn’t-deserve”, your “I’m better than you, smarter, faster, wittier, skinnier, more worthy” etc, ad fucking nausea. Get up of your scared arse and try it yourself, risk following your passion, risk your heart for the adventure of being alive. LIVE FFS instead of tearing down others. Oh, by the way, here’s a word turn-around for you…LIVE spelled backwards is EVIL, you sad fuck.

GD –       You crack me up! Like actually attempting to do good in this world is actually an effort! It’s natural to me, not because I want a pat on the head of approval or a reserved front row seat in Heaven, but because it feels good. How do you not know that, if you’re so bloody smart? No, I’m not wasting time, effort or energy or being ripped off. I don’t give anything I’m not willing to give, and I’m actually energised by it, but that’s not the “why” for me. The “why” is cos I can, cos I grow from it as opposed to stagnating, cos contribution is the antidote to most of my black dogs, and gives me a chuckle and a kick. Don’t you want to live in a better place? With awesome people? What the fuck is wrong with you that doing good is a problem?

YBU –     This living gig can be tough. And it’s made much tougher by being dragged down, having your self-esteem shat on, or having it chipped away daily in increments till you can’t function. You get born into a culture of this, right? But you have a choice at various stages, to believe this, or to challenge it, to try on other ways of perceiving yourself. Be warned. This will bring come resistance / collateral damage but the up-side is you’ll have more energy, be more confident to try new things, and you can build yourself in any direction. There’s nothing wrong with liking or loving yourself unless you’re around others who don’t do the same themselves.

HB –        To feel is to live, not to be sucked in, not to be a soft touch, a sucker, a doormat, a walkover, a magnet for users. The name Bleeding Heart suggests that, for you to feel, threatens your existence. That, my friend, is a whopping fear of the name-caller that somehow there’s not enough to go round, not enough approval, not enough…. you fill it in. To feel is to know everyone around you has difficulties, perhaps not exactly the same as you, but of equal depth, challenge, and potential suffering. And to know this is to no longer be lonely. As Ben Lee suggests, we’re all in this together. How is your life made better if you dump on or blame people who are struggling? As if I can’t decipher who is genuine and who is stuck in their neediness, and decide for myself where my energy goes. The term bleeding hear is just povo thinking and says much more about the name-caller than anything else.

Try-Hards, do-gooders, bleeding hearts, or being up yourself.


Hard Tries (HT)

Good Doers (GT)

Yourself Being Up (YBU)

Heart Bleeding (HB)


HT –       I just want it so badly. I spend myself in efforts cos I’m so passionate. I really believe in this. And you twist my words round your bitterness, your “she-doesn’t-deserve”, your “I’m better than you, smarter, faster, wittier, skinnier, more worthy” etc, ad fucking nausea. Get up of your scared arse and try it yourself, risk following your passion, risk your heart for the adventure of being alive. LIVE FFS instead of tearing down others. Oh, by the way, here’s a word turn-around for you…LIVE spelled backwards is EVIL, you sad fuck.

GD –       You crack me up! Like actually attempting to do good in this world is actually an effort! It’s natural to me, not because I want a pat on the head of approval or a reserved front row seat in Heaven, but because it feels good. How do you not know that, if you’re so bloody smart? No, I’m not wasting time, effort or energy or being ripped off. I don’t give anything I’m not willing to give, and I’m actually energised by it, but that’s not the “why” for me. The “why” is cos I can, cos I grow from it as opposed to stagnating, cos contribution is the antidote to most of my black dogs, and gives me a chuckle and a kick. Don’t you want to live in a better place? With awesome people? What the fuck is wrong with you that doing good is a problem?

YBU –     This living gig can be tough. And it’s made much tougher by being dragged down, having your self-esteem shat on, or having it chipped away daily in increments till you can’t function. You get born into a culture of this, right? But you have a choice at various stages, to believe this, or to challenge it, to try on other ways of perceiving yourself. Be warned. This will bring come resistance / collateral damage but the up-side is you’ll have more energy, be more confident to try new things, and you can build yourself in any direction. There’s nothing wrong with liking or loving yourself unless you’re around others who don’t do the same themselves.

HB –        To feel is to live, not to be sucked in, not to be a soft touch, a sucker, a doormat, a walkover, a magnet for users. The name Bleeding Heart suggests that, for you to feel, threatens your existence. That, my friend, is a whopping fear of the name-caller that somehow there’s not enough to go round, not enough approval, not enough…. you fill it in. To feel is to know everyone around you has difficulties, perhaps not exactly the same as you, but of equal depth, challenge, and potential suffering. And to know this is to no longer be lonely. As Ben Lee suggests, we’re all in this together. How is your life made better if you dump on or blame people who are struggling? As if I can’t decipher who is genuine and who is stuck in their neediness, and decide for myself where my energy goes. The term bleeding hear is just povo thinking and says much more about the name-caller than anything else.

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